I am a Nature lover, obsessed with History, the Myths & Legends of lost Cultures around the world, and the slow Deterioration of our Mother Earth.
Painting since the mid 90's, I've developed into my own style by persistence, and plenty of trial and error. I've added Digital Design to my studies and have been able to flourish in book cover designs and logos, although my greasy spoon is acrylic painting.

Tall sky scraping concrete towers full of humans do nothing for my creativity... as with flat, boring prairies. The jagged edges of a mountain range showing the power of Nature in all her Glory, now that gets me going. Rolling streams and gorgeous trees that bend every which way. River beds changing every year, and the thought of knowing that she could wipe us out at any moment just to continue on...for the better.

I study the cyclical nature of our entire solar system, and the effects it has on every living organism. The elements of the planet, the jet streams, the droughts, the elevating frequency of super storms, right down to the trivial pursuits of the human colonies in a rat race that only few are winning.

I was raised to respect everything, for everything has an energy.
These are my journal entries.....

Canadian Artist